Sunday, February 24, 2019

Heritage, Traditions and Beliefs Essay

All around us, there argon divers(prenominal) cultures, races, and shipway of livelihood that we interact with. Even with every last(predicate) of the differences, we still somehow trade to live in harmony with each other. If we think ab expose it, we in all live in one place Earth. There atomic number 18 different perspectives and stories as to how it came nearly. These stories about the globes origin also echo the different heritages, traditions, and beliefs that we see around us. The stories from the homegrown Americans, Africans, Mayan civilization, scientific origins of carriage and the earmark of genesis from the record will be discussed in this essay.The Native Americans, called Navajo bank in the cause of the Wind. They believed that life came from the wind. The breath that get ons from our mouths gives us life. When the wind clams to blow, our life ends and we die. The Navajo also believes that their ancestors are always with them. The presence of wind dog on their fingertips shows them their ancestors. They believe that every subsisting and non-living things are connected with the force of the wind.The Africans, specifically from the tribe of Yoruba, the people of Nigeria, Togo, and Benin, believe in the supreme being, Olorun and his assistants, Orishas, heavenly entities. David A. Anderson wrote this paper. The story started with Oluron with orishas living in the set up in a baobab tree. Oluron being a great being allows the orishas to roam around. Obatala, a meddlesome orisha, left the baobab tree and found a vast empty-bellied ocean below the mist. Obatala asked Olorun for permission to go crush to the vast ocean and sop up something solid in the waters below. Olorun allowed Obatalas request. Before jump his journey, Obatala asked for the help of Orunmila, the orisha seer. She advised Obatala to prepare the following things for his journey a kitchen stove of gold, sand, palm nuts, maize, and a sacred egg, which carr ies the personalities of all the orishas. So Obatala hooked the chain of gold to the sky and climbed down to the vast empty ocean.He went down for seven days and when he reached the end, he waited for the advice of Orunmila to pour the sand into the water. A vast land was formed from the water. Obatala was still unsure of what to do. The sacred egg, which he hid inside his clothes near his heart hatched as Obatalas heart pounded stronger. The Sankofa, a bird bearing the spirits of all the orishas, came out. As it flew around the solidified land, it formed dunes, hills, and lowlands. Eventually, Obatala released the chain and walked in the land that he mentiond Ife. As Obatala explored the land, he scattered the seeds that he brought with him and so plants started to grow. Obatala do images of him out of clay and he was pleased. Olorun, being pleased with what Obatala did, make a go-getter for the clay to be cooked and Oloruns breath brought life to the figures.The Mayan civilizat ions story of creation is called the Popol Vuh. The story started with Heart-of-sky, also called Maker, Modeler, Kukulkan, and Hurricane, whom they regarded as the almighty. It was only him who existed and he realized he motivationed someone to talk about his name and praise him. By mere speaking, earth emerged followed by mountains, trees and land. When Heart-of-sky sees that everything is going well, he created the animals to roam the land.He ordered the animals to praise him, but all they did was make animal sounds, thus he ordered that animals shall serve the people, whom he make to praise him. It took Heart-of-sky two attempts to make people, the world-class was made of mud and was loop-sided and talk nonsense, and so he decided to let it dissolve away. The second was made from wood. Doll woods were mad, but did not have blood, sweat or minds. They did not respect their creator so flood was casted to the land, it destroyed the homes of the dolls and later on they are called monkeys. Thus, this explains the similar features of monkeys to humans.The scientific origin of life focuses in two main people, namely Pasteur and Darwin. With Pasteurs experiments, he supported that perfection created the earth. He believed that life couldnt arise from inanimate matter. In community to this, Pasteur believed in the aid of the divine creator. Darwins possibleness, on the other hand, states that the first life on earth came from inanimate matter. Another theory was that the earth was an unfading entity according to Iris Fry, a historian of biology. Earth and life being eternal means that it did not come from anything, but it on the dot existed before everything else. Lastly, the term Panspermia, from the Latin word pan meaning all states that sperms of life wanders the universe and takes root at any planet that meets its living condition. Svante Arrhenius in Sweden promoted this idea. The early idea that life and earth are eternal is outdated. People started t o wonder where we came from and thus the idea was lost. Panspermia or Transpermia describes the transfer of life from planet to planet.The story of creation from the concord of genesis of the holy bible depicts the seven-day creation of earth by deity. Each day was described with the build of different things like, the separation of land and water, animals and humankind creation. On the seventh day, beholding that everything was perfect, God was pleased and so he had a rest that day. It was believed that God made everything on earth He named all creatures in His power and ordered them to follow Adam. It ended when God was pleased with men and at long last gave the Garden of Eden for them to take care of. In comparison of these beliefs, the Native Americans belief with the origin of life is somehow similar with Darwins theory on life. Both stories pointed out that life came from non-living objects.Through the wind, everything came to life and done it people are connected with th e environment. Similar with Darwin, he believed that inanimate objects are responsible for our existence. Compared to the points discussed earlier, the stories of the Africans, Mayans and the book of genesis all believe in a supreme being, who made everything. Olorun, Heart-of-sky and God, these are the names of each creator. Even with much(prenominal) different titles, they are the same. Their only differences are on the details on how they made life. Each stories started with the divine existence followed by their prime need to create something or someone to worship them. Their stories ended with the creation of their subordinates, people. In addition scientist Pasteur, who made one of the major contributions scientifically, supports the story of creation from the book of genesis.In conclusion, these five stories about lifes origin are somehow interconnected. Each is presented differently. The elements of the stories reflect their culture. After comparing each story with others, it only shows the importance of our beginning. By knowing the differences and similarities of each, I have come to understand that everyone deserves respect regardless of their origin. The comparison I have made will help me interact better with my future patients because of the culture reflected in each stories.We live in one place, one atmosphere, and one sky and yet each of us has our own belief in life. We came about evolution differently based on the area we live in. To keep back each race, tribe and community, we made stories of it, which reflects our culture and traditions. These stories were made so others may understand and respect our way of living.

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